A Sinkhole of Lies and Deception

    Our U.S. government is embroiled in a quagmire unlike any in the history of our country.  The man who said he was going to “drain the swamp” in Washington is now involved in one of the seamiest scandals ever to hit the front pages of our newspapers.  Even before Donald Trump took office, there were questions about his relationship with the Russians. Why was he so unwilling to express any criticism of dictator Vladimir Putin, when he had no qualms about berating and ridiculing just about everyone else? Just what did the Russians "have" on Trump, that they were the only group he seemed to respect.

     I am convinced that the investigators looking into Trump’s ties with Russia have only begun to scratch the surface.  There must be some kind of political bombshell he’s hiding.  Otherwise why would he have such a visceral reaction anytime someone gets close to uncovering something?  His recent firing of FBI Director James Comey is just one example of that reaction. 

     I shudder to think of how much time and effort is going into meetings of the White House staffers trying to figure out how to do damage control.  It makes me not want to pay my federal income taxes, to think that I am supporting such behavior.  Sean Spicer has been reduced to hiding in the bushes and asking the press to turn the lights out before he will give them a briefing.  Other surrogates including once-banished Kelley Ann Conway regularly appear on news shows to spew the latest "official" White House version of events, only to be contradicted hours later by other surrogates.  When one fails to be convincing, even more able liars like Sarah Huckabee Sanders are trotted out with brand new updated smoke and mirrors, saying anything they can to obfuscate the truth and confuse the issue.  Journalists are having a field day trying to keep up with all the twists and turns in the story.

     Meanwhile all that grandiose rhetoric about “making America great again” is echoing down empty corridors.  Nothing much is getting done in that regard. The Great American Experiment has gone off the tracks and is barreling toward a chasm of self interest and coverup, dug by those occupying the highest offices in the land.  Someone with courage and conviction and a knowledge of the Constitution and governmental checks and balances needs to grab the helm and direct our country back onto the road that the Founding Fathers set us on some 241 years ago. Unless that happens we as a country are headed for certain destruction.


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